Professional Graphics
for Trial Lawyers
Legal Graphics:
We specialize in developing and producing graphics that capture complex issues and present them in a simple, clear way. Our philosophy is shaped by the knowledge that messages are best believed and remembered when they are conveyed by pictures along with your words.
We employ technical illustration, graphic design and an experienced hand at putting your evidence in the best light.
- Opening Statements
- Expert Testimony Demonstrative Exhibits
- Technical Tutorials
- Closing Arguments
- Figures for Briefs
- Trial Boards
3D models can capture the shapes and demonstrate the functions of things that would be difficult—if not impossible—to show any other way. From micro to macro, computer models bring abstract issues to life.
And, animation doesn’t have to be expensive—we use special techniques to model, animate and render in 2 and 3 dimensions that produce astounding results. And this at a cost you would expect for just ordinary graphics.
- 3D Computer Modeling
- Accident/Incident Reconstructions
- 3D and 2D Digital Video Animation
- Aviation, Maritime and Vehicle Scenarios
- Detailed Device Modeling and Animation
Data Visualization:
Sometimes the best, most effective graphics are the hardest ones to produce. We work with you and your experts to find patterns within the numbers that will render pictures a lay-person can understand and be persuaded by.
While it is axiomatic that juries hate math, avoiding the quantitative misses the opportunity to help judge and jury understand something complicated—and feel smart. Numbers can furnish a rich vein of proof, that if well-presented, can be as compelling as any other form of evidence.
- Data Analysis and Visualization
- Complex Interactive Timelines
- Data-driven Graphs
- Figures for Expert Reports
- Expert Testimony Demonstrative Exhibits
Trial Support:
Graphics and technical support on-site at trial.
Trial Support:
In addition to our creative team providing the highest quality graphic design and support, our technical consultants are ready to help you collect, organize, and ultimately present your evidence in court.
No role relies on experience and seasoned judgment like the technician sitting on the “hot seat” in the courtroom with you—and ours are second to none.
With many matters proceeding virtually/via video conference, our technicians and graphic artists are now offering the option of providing our usual services remotely. Whether working with you on-site or online, our team has you covered.
- Trial Presentation Databases
- Video Synching, Clip Creation
- Technical Support for Virtual/Video-Conferenced Hearings and Trials
- War Room On-Site Graphics and Tech Support
- Courtroom Support at Hearing or Trial